Monday, December 30, 2019
The Secret Of A Success - 992 Words
The Secret to a Success The Zappos organization, in my book, is considered scarce in the aspect of customer service. There are little to no company that can even compare to its outstanding and distinguish customer service that they provide. I will be discussing several aspects of the Zappos organization in this paper. Initially, I have dealt with numerous online organizations including small and well established ones, but their customer service paled in comparison to Zappos. For instance, the way the organizations efficiently handle their refunds. Recently, I ordered some shoes on I selected my item and checked out, the process went swimmingly; two days later, I received an email saying that my shoes are now out of stock, please select an alternative. I kindly replied saying I would prefer a refund to my original form of payment. Three days have come pass, and I still have not received a reply from the organization. I am currently dealing with less than acceptable customer service; is currently withholding my funds, money that can be utilized somewhere else. If I had known about the Zippos organization and its phenomenal service I would not be in this predicament. According to, â€Å"refund will be processed and automatically applied to your credit card or o riginal method of payment within 2 days.†It is almost four days, and failed to even respond to my refund request. Next, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the ZapposShow MoreRelatedThe Secret of Success1246 Words  | 5 PagesTHE SECRET OF SUCCESS -Khupkhogin Khongsai INTRODUCTION Everyone wants to learn the secrets of being successful in life. There are many people who have achieved success in this world. Success doesn’t come to those who wait†¦.. And it doesn’t wait for anyone to come to it. Most successful men have not achieved their destination by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Comparing Dignity in A Lesson Before Dying, Jane Pittman,...
Dignity in Southern Society in A Lesson Before Dying, Autobiography of Jane Pittman, and Of Love and Dust The ante-bellum Southern social system put blacks in a low economic and social class and limited their pursuit of happiness. The aristocracy firmly held blacks in emotional and spiritual slavery. Cajuns, Creoles and poor whites maintained a low status in society, which frustrated them because they felt they should be superior to blacks and equal to whites. Racism was a base of southern society and a hope to improve life and gain respect. Ernest J. Gaines grew up in Southern Louisiana and his aunt Augusteen Jefferson taught him the art of living with dignity (Current 201). In The Autobiography of Miss†¦show more content†¦At the end of the Civil War, Ticey (Jane), an eleven year-old slave, is introduced to personal identity by Corporal Brown, a Yankee soldier who passes through her plantation: Ticey is a slave name... he says to her and temporarily renames her Miss Jane Brown (Pittman 8). Critic Valerie Babb concludes that the soldiers altering a label of slavery reveals a new world of control to her...for the first time in her life Jane has the option of deciding whether or not she will retain it (82). Jane quickly learns that her newly found identity threatens the master and mistress, and she is beaten for demanding to be called Miss, a title of respect. She shows them she is an individual with dignity, rather than an inferior being and takes the control that they assumed over her. The soldier direct s Janes strong character and convictions which results in her insubordination toward white authority. She continues through her life looking for the One, a black leader to free her people from the bondage to whites. Where Jane decides to live in rebellion, her husband Joe chooses a different method to escape bondage. After the slaves were emancipated, many plantation owners took advantage of the naive freedmen by contracting them as underpaid field laborers. Joe Pittman desperately tries to avoid the economic entrapment of field labor that isShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesodd to call something piece of advice eleven or thing to do seven. Advice for Logical Reasoners All of us use these principles every day, so this discussion is just a reminder of what you already know. One principle is to ask for reasons before accepting a conclusion, unless you already have good enough reasons. You applied this principle when you asked Juanita why she thought it best to leave. Similarly, if you expect people to accept your own conclusion, then its your responsibility
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Principle Agent Moral Hazard Free Essays
The major issue was that the commercial banks overstressed in such mortgage backed securities. Another part of the story Is that Basel I accords are credited with giving seeds to the idea of all things that could lead to recession and Basel II Is credited with magnifying Its Impact. Formed In 1988 and adopted by 1992, Basel I accords were a set of rules and regulations, to be adopted by GIG countries, that allotted different risk ratings to various types of assets held by banks. We will write a custom essay sample on Principle Agent Moral Hazard or any similar topic only for you Order Now Assets, here, referred to bonds, mortgages undo etc. It took a long time for the economies to realist the problems associated with such types of system. For example, in such a framework a commercial bank was permitted to keep aside no liquid capital if it had all government bonds or gold as assets. This was so because such assets were considered safe. Further, it was required of them to keep aside small percentages of capital for every mortgage, commercial loan or bonds they Issued. With the introduction of Basel 2, the list was expanded to bonds backed by debts like ar or property loans and yet had to keep only a 2 percent of spare capital. Flip side to this was that the bonds ought to have AAA or AAA credit ratings from the government. Statistics tell that Just prior to the recession, 81 percent of all Mortgage backed securities held by the commercial banks had AAA credit rating. Further, 93 percent of all mortgage-backed securities held by these banks had AAA credit rating or held bonds Issued by a government-sponsored enterprise. Now this Is where the role of moral hazard comes Into play. When Basel I and abstinently Basel II accords were Introduced, the primary aim of the developed economies was to encourage consumer spending and Investments by the banks. It was not completely unforeseeable for everyone to realize that backing debt or junk manipulating credit ratings, economies tried to create a self-fulfilling system that provided for feed as well as fed upon its own. The bankers were in turn incentives to take risks of high magnitude, with all the depositors’ money in hand, believing that there is a government always backing them. Soon the entire system gave away. This created a bigger moral hazard. How to minimize such problems? TO reduce such a problem of Principal Agent problem leading to recession, it is imperative that the regulators are on their toes. In USA, SEC did not take proper steps to ensure that the Rating agencies don’t rate securities high without any strong backing to do so. Also the FIDE, the Fed, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision relied blindly on the ratings given by the Credit rating agencies. Therefore, all rules and regulations given under law should be implemented properly and Justly by the regulators. The government should also ensure the timely passage of relevant legal provision and bills. Also, although Basel Ill accords have been adopted and implemented by most of the countries and the deadline is 2019 for it, the present market conditions show that the Minimum Capital requirements need an overhaul as well. Hence, Basel 4 could be started to be worked upon with refined changes and the governments should follow the rules under such requirements. How to cite Principle Agent Moral Hazard, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Enzyme Activity Essay Sample free essay sample
We performed these experiments to detect the effects of enzymes on the rate of reactions. We tested and compared the activity of the enzyme catalase on the substrate H2O2 in assorted provinces and per centums. and observed the soaking up values of the enzyme-substrate relationship at different concentrations. Our consequences show that the more substrate available. the quicker the reaction will go on except in one trial. which might intend that a balanced concentration of the two is most good. Introduction The aims of these experiments were to detect the effects of the enzyme-substrate relationships and to enter our findings. Enzymes increase the rate of reactions by take downing the energy needed to trip the reaction ( McNeil et al. 2013 ) . Enzymes will work with substrates to bring forth reactions and merchandises and they will adhere together at an active site. They will merely bond to with peculiar molecules and environmental factors can besides impact their productiveness. We will write a custom essay sample on Enzyme Activity Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are proteins. and proteins are made up of many aminic acids ( Brian et al. 2013 ) . We used the enzyme catalase that occurs of course in many beings to analyze the qualitative and quantitative consequences of enzymatic activity. My hypothesis is that the findings in these experiments will demo that the enzyme catalase will increase the rate of reaction with the substrate. Methods In Activity 1 Procedure A. we had four trial tubings filled with different constituents. The tabular array below shows each tube’s constituents. In each trial tubing. we added 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2. We recorded initial observations and checked often for alterations. Table 1.Tube # | Contents|1| 1 milliliter H2O|2| ? ? ?†murphy regular hexahedron |3| 1 milliliter Enz. |4| 1 milliliter Enz boiled for 5 proceedingss. so cooled| In Activity 1 Procedure B. we prepared two more trial tubing with different substrates. In each empty tubing we put 1 milliliter of enzyme. To that. we added the same substrate with different per centum degrees. What we added to the trial tubing is depicted in the chart below. We recorded our observations of these tubings and compared observations ab initio with those of proceedingss 4-5. Table 2.Tube # | Contentss |A| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL1. 5 % H2O2|B| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 milliliter. 75 % H2O2| In Activity 2 Procedure C. we filtered the catalase used in Procedures A and B with # 4 filter paper. We made a black solution without the catalase and another with it to be compared in the spectrophotometer. The contents of the space and cuvette # 1 are shown below. We observed optical density degrees at 470 nanometers and measured the space to deduct its values from those of cuvette # 1. We measured the optical density every minute for 5 proceedingss and recorded our observations. After the 5 proceedingss we removed them and observed differences. Table 3.Cuvette # | Contentss |Blank | 6. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2|1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 5. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| In Activity 2 Procedure D. we followed the same processs as we did in Procedure C ; nevertheless. the contents of the space and cuvette were changed. The alterations are shown in the tabular array below. Table 4.Cuvette # | Contentss |Blank | 5 milliliter dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2|1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 4. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| These methods came from the Biology 183 Introductory II Lab Manual. ConsequencesThe presence of an enzyme speeds up chemical reactions and is affected by the concentration of the substrate. We found that the consequences of reaction were much greater and happened faster with the presence of a greater sum of substrate and enzyme until there was excessively much substrate in relation to enzyme. In Activity 1 Procedure A. we found that the more available substrate nowadays. the faster the reaction would go on. More merchandise was observed when there was increased substrate surface country. The tabular array of consequences is depicted below. Table 5.Tube # | Contents| What Happened? |1| 1 milliliter H2O + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| No reaction |2| ? ? ?†murphy regular hexahedron + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| Bubbling and foaming occurred but non much| 3| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| More froth and bubbles than in previous| 4| 1 milliliter Enz boiled for 5 proceedingss. so cooled + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| Barely any mark of reaction| In Activity 1 Procedure B. we found that the concentration of substrate affects the activity of the enzyme. The solution with a higher concentration of substrate produced greater consequences. Table 6.Tube # | Contentss | What Happened? |A| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL1. 5 % H2O2| Foamed and bubbled rapidly ; much more than B| B| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 milliliter. 75 % H2O2| Foamed and bubbled less and at a slower rate. | In Activity 2 Procedure C. we discovered that our solution with catalase formed merchandises and the solution without did non. The spectrophotometer collected informations for us to demo this. Table 7.Cuvette # | Contentss | What Happened? |Blank | 6. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| No change| 1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 5. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| The colour of the solution changed. It got darker. | Table 8.Absorbance Data Collection of Cuvette Containing Catalase| Time ( min ) | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|Optical density at 470 nm| 1. 200 A| 1. 449 A| 1. 673 A| 1. 872 A| 2. 056 A| 2. 223 A| In Activity 2 Procedure D. our consequences showed us that the concentration of substrate can be excessively high for a same merchandise in enzyme activity when compared with the tabular array in Procedure C. A tabular array of the consequences of Procedure D and a graph comparison Procedures C and D are depicted below. Table 9.Cuvette # | Contents| What Happened? |Blank | 5 milliliter dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| No Change| 1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 4. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| The colour of the solution changed. Got darker but non every bit dark as Cuvette 1 in Procedure C. | Table 10.Absorbance Data Collection of Cuvette Containing Catalase| Time ( min ) | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|Optical density at 470 nm| . 428 A| . 673 A| . 876 A| 1. 063 A| 1. 228 A| 1. 377 A| Figure 1. Figure 1. DiscussionThe consequences found in our experiments supported the hypothesis that enzymes would increase the rate of reaction. In one instance. nevertheless. it was found that if the concentration of substrate is excessively high. the enzymatic relationship will be thrown away. We observed noticeable merchandises more rapidly with the enzyme nowadays in both experiments in Activity 1. Our experiment in Activity 2 Procedure D shows that with a higher per centum of substrate. less visible radiation was absorbed. This was unexpected because we thought that with more substrate. the reaction would take topographic point more rapidly. Our findings supported that enzymes increase the rate at which reactions occur. If this experiment was repeated. we might acquire a few fluctuations in consequences. The measurings of some substances might hold been a small off and the clip that we took to set some of the cuvettes might hold been excessively long and affected the consequences.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Analysing significant changes in cost structure Essays
Analysing significant changes in cost structure Essays Analysing significant changes in cost structure Essay Analysing significant changes in cost structure Essay Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) believe that the demand to enter information on commercial position has existed for as long clip as people have traded. Hannay ( 2003 ) asserted that the key development in the history of accounting was the innovation of double-entry clerking. Historically, we know that double-entry clerking emerged in Italy about 13th century. But cost accounting is non every bit old as dual entry clerking. It is rather recent system that emerged in 19th century, and developed by twentieth. Cost accounting is a system which measures the cost of merchandise or services. Furthermore, the demand for direction accounting information is a much more recent phenomenon. Management accounting is a portion of the fiscal coverage procedure and it refering the activities of directors. Management accounting utilizes cost accounting information and analyses and uses them in many of import direction maps. Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) asserted that cost accounting was one of the effect industrial revolution and take steps refering the merchandises costs. Traditional cost accounting system has used in a most of fabrication and services houses from 18th century. They believed that the fabrication houses developed cost accounting for two intents: to command the internal procedures and activities that generated those higher returns, and to measure internal chances to derive from their resources. They asserted that direction accounting foremost appeared in the United States and developments occurred during the 19th century. They believed that most of import direction accounting patterns was emerged before 1925 and after this clip it seemed the development stopped. They indentified accounting patterns that introduced before 1925 and they have used until now included: discrepancy analysis for labour, stuff, and overhead, standard cost, budgeting for cost, income and hard currency, flexible budgets, return on investing ( ROI ) , Due Pont, transportation pricing, and sale prognosiss. In a sense, cost accounting measures the cost of merchandise or services and its information is used for direction accounting intents in fiscal coverage procedure every bit good as in determinations doing procedure such as sell or purchase determinations, transportation pricing, value stock list, cost control, and public presentation finding. At the beginning, cost accounting system was used for supplying information on labour cost per unit of end product, so, it mentioned to other constituents of cost ( stuff and operating expense ) . Traditional bing systems ( TCS ) were designed for fabrication environments which direct costs were a larger per centum of entire costs. This system allocates overhead costs to merchandises, utilizing on volume-based measuring associating direct cost like for illustration direct stuff cost, machine hours and direct labour hours. Although its overhead cost allotment was non rather accurate, this system worked good, since direct labour and stuff, represented the bulk of the entire cost while overhead cost was merely a little fraction. But for past three decennaries, many companies have experienced important alterations in their cost construction. Overhead cost has increased imposingly and has become the dominant cost constituent of many merchandises. Many research workers highlight the altera tion of cost construction for illustration Baker ( 1994 ) asserted that today direct labour cost is frequently less than 15 % of the entire cost and overhead cost may show 50 % or more of entire cost. During the same clip period, much unfavorable judgment was raised that traditional cost accounting has failed to fix progress related, on clip, and highly accurate information for bettering direction determination. To get the better of the failing of traditional cost accounting, several direction accounting inventions have been introduced during 1980s and 1990s. Bjornenak and Olson ( 1999 ) recognized the chief cost and direction accounting inventions based on their importance in the literature including: Activity- based direction ( ABM ) ; activity-based costing ( ABC ) ; local information system ( LS ) ; balanced scorecard ( BS ) ; life rhythm costing ( LCC ) ; mark costing ( TC ) ; and strategic direction accounting ( SMA ) . Furthermore Chenhall and Langfield-Smith ( 1998 ) introduced the most popular late cost and direction accounting inventions in Australia including: merchandise life rhythm, valued added constructs, balanced scorecard techniques, entire quality direction, strategic direction, hazard direction, benchmarking, economic value added, mark bing analysis, and activity-based costing as methods for linking scheme and aims in companies. The current survey efforts to foretell and tests the influence of certain contextual factors on execution phases, acceptance, and extract activity-based costing ( ABC ) among the Persian fabrication houses. Gosselin ( 1997 ) claimed that ABC is one of the most of import direction accounting inventions of the 20th century.Main different between ABC and TCS is in the measuring of the constituent of cost. TCA step the cost based on three constituents including: direct stuff, direct labor, and overhead but in ABC system, cost of merchandises included activities. Another difference related to manner for delegating overhead cost to merchandise. ABC provides more elaborate trailing and differential assignment of overhead costs, creates more costs pools, and provides more accurate merchandise costs. Krumwiede ( 1998b ) defined activity-based costing ( ABC ) as a bing methodological analysis that allocates costs to single activities based on more than one cost allocated base. Spedding and Sun ( 1999 ) believed that the ABC method of accounting involves the dislocation of a system into single activities and costing of sum of clip and resources spent on each activity in the industry of merchandise. The careful reader of literature text is likely to be amazed to observe how the basic techniques of activity-based costing system have been with us as long clip as those of traditional costing method. Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) found that technique similar to what is known as ABC around 1925 introduced. Harmonizing to Kiani and Sangeladji, ( 2003 ) Activity Accounting was foremost introduced and used in 1940s and the construct, with some alterations, has been presented in literature as Activity-Based Costing ( ABC ) . Evidence showed similar methodological analysis introduced by research workers before 1980s but in early 1980s articles began to look in the literature foregrounding the concerns with inaccurate merchandise costs ensuing from traditional merchandise bing systems. It seems execution of activity-based costing was impracticable before the visual aspect of modern computing machine engineering and package. However, altering the sort of merchandises from simple to variet y merchandise, the market from local market to planetary market, and procedures of production from simple procedure to complexness procedure were other of import grounds that increased the value of accurate cost information and utilizing ABC. It means the complexness requires more organisational activities and each activity has different cost allotments which the TAC system failed to analyse them. Activity besed costing as a cost accounting system has ain direction accounting named activity-based direction ( ABC ) . Some research workers named both together activity-based cost/management ( ABCM ) as a whole system. More late, Askarany et al. , ( 2007 ) identified activity-based cost/management ( ABCM ) as one of the chief cost and direction accounting inventions. Meanwhile, Abernethy and Bouwens, ( 2005 ) defined direction accounting systems ( MAS ) inventions as a either new systems or the redesign of an bing system. Activity based costing in this survey is referred to as an invention and considered to ABC as an administrative invention ( in comparison to proficient invention ) . However, the current survey follow the theory that used by the most of ABC acceptance research, which has named the theory of organisational acceptance of invention or invention diffusion theory. This theory is a widely accepted theoretical footing for analyzing ABC execution ( Anderson, 1995 ; Innes and Mitchell, 1995 ; Gosselin, 1997 ; Innes et al. , 2000 ; Joshi, 2001 ; Brown et al. , 2004 ; Pierce, 2004 ; Cohen et al. , 2005 ; Maelah and Nasir Ibrahim, 2006 ; Al-Omir and Drury, 2007 ; Askarany et al. , 2007 ) . ABC is a new type of cost accounting system and it is one of the chief cost and direction accounting inventions system in the 20th century ( Shields, 1995 ; Anderson, 1995 ; Gosselin, 1997 ; Askarany et al. , 2007 ) . Bjornenak ( 1997 ) believed that one of the most of import modern-day accounting inventions is activity-based bing. One of the aims of the advanced direction accounting systems is to help directors to implement their companies strategic precedences. All of the MAS inventions in directed at bettering apprehension of the profitableness of merchandises and heightening procedures to better net incomes. Alternatively of utilizing a individual footing to delegate costs to merchandises, ABC allocates costs to activities and so to merchandises based on how the merchandise consumed the resources ( costs ) . Changing the methods of cost allocating and tracing by utilizing ABC provides a clearer describe of cost of procedures and shows the profitableness of clients and merchandises. Since the outgrowth of activity-based costing ( ABC ) , it has received a great trade of attending as a cost direction invention which provides more accurate merchandise costs information than traditional cost system ( e.g. Drucker, 1995 ; Turney and Stratton, 1992: Krumwiede, 1998b ) . Kiani A ; Sangeladjiai ( 2003 ) believed that neer in the accounting history has an thought such as activity-based costing moved so rapidly from construct to execution. The increased involvement in ABC is good documented in the literature. In the line of betterment of ABC and towards reconstructing the rule of causality, new coevalss of ABC introduced by research workers named time-driven ABC system ( TDABC ) , and performance-focused ABC system ( PFABC ) and it seems its betterment will go on ( Merwe, 2009 ; Namazi, 2009 ) . Attewell ( 1992 ) observed that most statistical surveies on inventions have used two distinguishable positions for analysis: acceptance and extract. But this survey effort utilizing one more distinguishable position for analysis: execution phases. Adoption surveies utilizing the acceptance position evaluate the features of an organisation that make it receptive to invention and alteration. Infusion surveies utilizing the extract position effort to understand why and how an invention spreads and what features of the invention lead to credence. Implementation stages surveies investigate which conceptual factors affected companies to travel to higher phase of ABC execution procedure. The similar fun ctional between cost direction inventions acceptance was proposed by several research workers. On the other manus, Iran economic is badly disrupted to boot by old ages of upheaval and uncertainness surrounds the economical activities. These conditions were started by the war with Iraq. After the war with Iraq ended, the state of affairs began to better but because of Iran have non abandon its atomic plan, USA and European Countries still enforces the boycott and trade stoppage on Iran. And besides from 2006 to 2008 the international community passed four declarations apposite Iran. Number of research workers found grounds that rising prices leads to higher uncertainness in Iran ( Samimi and Motameni, 2009 ; Heidari and Bashiri, 2009 ) . In add-on the relationship between perceived environmental uncertainness ( PEU ) and the acceptance, extract and execution phases of ABC have non tested in one clip. In this status this survey attempts to make full this spread by look intoing the consequence of high value of PEU in Iran on ABC acceptance, extract and execution phases and beside s expected the sensed environmental uncertainness drama of import function in these three distinct positions of utilizing ABC system. This thesis predicts and trials that how certain contextual factors influence execution phases, acceptance, and extract activity-based costing ( ABC ) among the Persian fabrication houses. Meanwhile, this thesis investigates the effects of utilizing activity-based costing ( ABC ) on fiscal and non fiscal public presentation in the houses. 1.1. Problem Statement The study researches on ABC surveies highlight that utilizing ABC may show huge benefits. For illustration some research workers indicated that utilizing ABC demonstrated benefits as follow: more able to mensurate cost accurately, better apprehension of merchandise costing, and develop public presentation measurings ( e.g. Kiani and Sangeladjiai, 2003 ; Khalid, 2005 ) , better understanding for cost decrease chances, improves managerial determination, proviso of better cost control, and higher degrees of satisfaction with their organisations bing system ( e.g. Moll, 2005 ; Brent, 1992 ) , bettering the truth of cost measured for different merchandises and services by more accurately delegating direct cost, utility of cost information for determination ( e.g. Clausen, 2002 ; Cooper and Kaplan, 1992 ) , supplying a dependable indicant of long-term variable merchandise cost which is peculiarly relevant to, managerial determination devising at a strategic degree ( e.g. Sohal and Chung, 1 998 ) .The concern can be turned to whether utilizing ABC addition organisational public presentation. However, bing literature shows despite the claim benefits of utilizing activity-based costing ; the degree of execution of this system is still lower than traditional one. Gosselin ( 1997 ) describes this fact as ABC paradox . He asserted it seems a spread exists between great involvement of direction comptrollers for utilizing ABC and the figure of organisations that really implemented it. In Iran for illustration Tabrizi ( 1999 ) surveyed CFOs of 290 fabrication houses and found that a few Persian makers adopted ABC to cipher merchandise costs. For work outing ABC paradox and filling such spread the extant literature tested many factors that influenced the acceptance of ABC ( e.g. Gosselin, 1997 ; Innes et al. , 2000 ; Cohen at al. , 2005 ) . Therefore, this survey purpose to analyze the impact of sensed environmental uncertainness with other certain contextual factors on execution phases, acceptance, and extract ABC among the Persian houses and besides to prove the consequence of utilizing ABC on organisational public presentation, because no other survey demonstrated these observations from the extant literature. 1.2. Research inquiries 1.2.1. General research inquiries Today, companies face to the intense competitory market. In this environment, every company attempts to use accurate cost information. The extant literature emphasizes that utilizing ABC may show huge benefits ( e.g. ABC may better the truth of cost measuring and supply utile cost information ) .The chief intent of current survey is to analyze the relationships between certain contextual factors and execution ABC system and besides the consequence of utilizing ABC on house public presentation. More by and large, the research inquiry may be stated in the undermentioned mode: what factors do find the execution ABC system by Persian fabrication houses? Is steadfast public presentation influenced by utilizing ABC system? General research inquiries are ; 1 ) What factors determine the execution phases, acceptance, and extract ABC by Persian fabrication houses? 2 ) Do the acceptance and extract ABC better house s fiscal and non fiscal public presentation? Do the Persian houses that are in higher execution phases of ABC have greater degrees of fiscal and non fiscal public presentation than lower phases? 1.2.2. Specific research inquiries Informing work in the country of ABC by current thought in invention diffusion theory, and allied literature watercourses, a theoretical theoretical account for execution phases, acceptance, and extract ABC among the Persian houses is developed to reply the undermentioned research inquiries: 1 ) What are the certain contextual factors that affect the execution phases of ABC system in Persian fabrication houses? 2 ) Is the grade of importance for each ABC acceptance factors measure uping by ABC execution phases? 3 ) Do the Persian fabrication houses that are in higher ABC execution phases of ABC have greater degrees of fiscal and non fiscal public presentation than houses in lower phases? 4 ) What are the certain contextual factors that affect the acceptance of ABC system in Persian fabrication houses? 5 ) Is there any betterment in degree of organisational public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) for Persian fabrication houses that adopted ABC, comparison with non-adopters companies? 6 ) For Persian fabrication houses that have adopted ABC, is extract of ABC system consequence by same contextual factors in the ABC acceptance and other certain organisational factors? 7 ) For Persian fabrication houses that have adopted ABC, is at that place any betterment in degree of organisational public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) for infuser, comparison with non infuser companies? 1.3. Research aim 1.3.1 General research aims Most particularly, the intent of this survey is to prove the relationships between certain contextual factors and ABC acceptance and besides examined the consequence of utilizing ABC on house public presentation. The general intents of this survey are: 1 ) To look into whether the execution phases and acceptance ABC for Persian fabrication houses are related to contextual factors: degree of competition, degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, concern scheme, and house size, and besides to look into whether for these houses, the extract ABC related to this contextual factors and two add-on factors: top direction support and preparation in Persian fabrication houses. 2 ) To look into whether the acceptance and extract ABC better Persian fabrication houses public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) and besides to look into whether these houses that are in higher execution phases of ABC have greater degrees of public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) than houses in lower ABC execution phases. 1.3.2. Specific research aims 1 ) To look into whether ABC execution phases for Persian fabrication houses are related to contextual factors: degree of competition, degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, concern scheme, and house size. 2 ) To look into whether the grade of importance for each above contextual factors are measure uping by ABC execution phases. 3 ) To look into the different grade of Persian fabrication houses public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) in each ABC execution phases. 4 ) To look into whether ABC acceptance for Persian fabrication houses is related to contextual factors: degree of competition, degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, concern scheme and house size. 5 ) To look into differences in degree of organisational public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) between ABC adoptive parents Persian fabrication houses and non-adopters houses. 6 ) To look into whether for Persian fabrication houses those have adopted ABC, extract ABC is effected by contextual factors: degree of competition, degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, concern scheme, house size, top direction support, and preparation. 7 ) For Persian fabrication houses that have adopted ABC, to look into differences in degree of organisational public presentation ( fiscal and non fiscal ) between ABC infusers and non infusers houses. Table 1.1 shows the relationship between research inquiries and aims Expected parts This survey attempts to hold both academicals and theoretical parts. At the degree of theory, the primary relevancy lies in its scrutiny in three distinguishable positions: execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC 1.4.1. Contributions to academic The current survey efforts to lend to the theoretical organic structure of cognition in Fieldss of cost accounting, public presentation measuring systems, strategic direction, every bit good as direction accounting invention systems with theoretical deductions. The determination may explicate some facets of organisational alteration theory by turn toing groundss in three distinguishable positions: execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC. There are expected some parts to academic research in execution phases, acceptance, and extract of activity-based costing ( ABC ) . The first part is on bettering a conceptual model covering the issues of sensed environmental uncertainness ( PEU ) . The survey will lend to academic research with its conceptualisation of PEU and investigate influences of PEU on execution phases, acceptance, and extract of activity-based costing ( ABC ) as a most of import determiner for making to acceptance and extract of ABC. The potency for direction accoun ting literature ( MAS ) to inform ABC execution research is highlighted by this survey. Furthermore, the survey contributes to the strategic direction literature with supplying groundss refering the designation and measuring of Miles and Snow s scheme typology. Following, this survey contributes to the literature sing utilizing multidimensional public presentation steps and proving relationship between ABC acceptance, extract, and execution phases and houses fiscal and non fiscal public presentation. Finally, this survey contributes to the literature refering investigate combination consequence of certain contextual factors: degree of competition, degree of information engineering quality, degree of merchandise diverseness, degree of operating expense, perceived environmental uncertainness, concern scheme, and house on ABC acceptance, extract, and execution phases. 1.4.2. Contributions to patterns This survey attempts to lend to ABC system designs and use, concern scheme use, and organisational public presentation status. Sing the ABC system designs, focal point on factors that influence ABC acceptance and extract will supply utile consequences for Persian houses who are interested for using ABC. Based on the determination of this survey, organisations in high rate of positive features are the good campaigners for using ABC. The determination may do these companies become involved in ABC system for bettering their cost accounting systems. Furthermore, Persian houses who are interested for using ABC may acquire guidelines by commanding the factors which ABC acceptance is related to them. In the regard of concern scheme use, this survey tries to happen groundss for function of concern scheme in the design, and utilize ABC system. This survey investigates the grade to which houses emphasize each of the concern scheme types proposed by Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) and look into the relationship of their scheme with execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC. Organizations with specific concern scheme may demo as the good campaigners for using ABC. Therefore the consequence may do these companies involve to ABC as good tool for increasing the value of their cost accounting methods. Furthermore, this survey attempts to happen the function of following and inculcating ABC system in bettering both fiscal and non fiscal organisational public presentation. The consequence of this survey identified clear image of organisational public presentation with and without utilizing ABC, therefore the houses may actuate to using ABC to understand utilizing this system may better their organisational public presentation. 1.5. Scope of survey The research range emphasizes fabricating houses in Iran. Initial stages of the survey focal point on cost accounting systems and particularly on activity-based costing as a new cost accounting system. Fabrication houses are chosen because they by and large use a cost accounting system, traditional or a new theoretical account. Furthermore, from assorted industries fabricating have to utilize cost accounting system for fiscal coverage. This survey focused of factors that may act upon implementing ABC as a one of the most of import cost accounting invention. It seems manufacturing houses are matching for proving degree of diverseness and degree of competition that this survey effort. Some research surveies concentrate on both fabrication and services sectors. In this survey the operating expense cost assumes as an independent variable and these houses should put a greater concern for operating expense cost. Beside, fabricating sectors in Iran is turning and plays a dominant function in the Iran economic system by being one of the largest sectors. Since the survey besides attempt to happen the influence of sensed environmental uncertainness ( PEU ) on the extent to which a house uses ABC systems, fabricating industry is appropriate because in this houses, PEU in many ways originate such as capriciousness in supply their row stuff and constituents. Definition of Research Variables Fourteen variables are used in this survey. Table 1.2 presents the relationship between these variables to research aims, research hypotheses and besides their relate inquiries in the questionnaire. These 14 variables are defined based on other research worker definitions that instrument for mensurating the variables is barrowed from them. Definitions of these variables are as follow: 1.6.1. Degree of information engineering quality Harmonizing to Krumwiede ( 1998b ) degree of information engineering quality is defined as the degree of quality of go outing information engineering system in the company. The measurement dimensions for IT quality include the handiness of information, user friendliness of the information system, handiness of elaborate information in the assortment of cost informations, and seasonableness of the information provided by the system. 1.6.2. Degree of merchandise diverseness Degree of merchandise diverseness is defined harmonizing to Khalid ( 2005 ) . He defined degree of merchandise diverseness as the assortment of volume of merchandises. Degree of merchandise diverseness was measured based on figure of merchandises that produce in the fabrication houses. 1.6.3. Degree of operating expense Chen ( 1996 ) explained that operating expense costs are usually caused by certification, depreciation, technology care, rework, review and fix. Degree of operating expense used was defined on Krumwiede ( 1998b ) . She defined grade of operating expense as a proration in cost of merchandises. The measuring was involved with the computation of house s cost construction and mensural constituents of cost included direct stuff cost, direct labour cost, and overhead cost. Then per centum of overhead applied as a degree of overhead cost. 1.6.4 Perceived environmental uncertainness This sturdy defined sensed environmental uncertainness harmonizing to Jusoh ( 2008 ) . She focused on respondents perceptual experiences on the predictability of seven facets. She measured mean of these facets and served as the overall sensed environmental uncertainness mark for a house. These waies included house s providers, rivals, clients, financial/capital markets, authorities regulative, labour brotherhoods, and economic sciences politics/technology. 1.6.5. Degree of competition Degree of competitory related to the position of competition that a house faces in a peculiar industry. Ramaswamy ( 2001 ) defined the degree of competition as the figure of houses in a peculiar sector and the market portion of each rival. In this survey based on Cohen et al. , ( 2005 ) , a individual point index was used for measuring of degree of competition. Level of competition was assessed utilizing figure of rivals in the same industry. 1.6.6. Business scheme This survey examined the grade to which houses emphasize each of the concern scheme types proposed by Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) : prospector, analyser, guardian, and reactor. The cardinal difference among these types is the rate of alteration in the organisational sphere. Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) defined these types of concern scheme as a follow: Prospectors are characterized by their dynamism in seeking market chances. They are normally pioneers that create alteration in their several industries. In contrast, guardians have a scheme which is the polar antonym from prospectors. They operate within a narrow product-market sphere characterized by high production volume and low merchandise diverseness. Analyzers stand between these two scheme types: prospectors and guardians and properties of both scheme. Finally, the companies that are reactors do non follow a witting scheme. Business scheme is measured sing Jusoh and Parnell ( 2008 ) . Business scheme is operated by taking the mean mark across the 12 points categorized in four strategic types. Then for each house the grade of the mean value which classified into four strategic types was comparison. The highest value indicated which the house emphasizes a given scheme. This instrument measured four strategic types as proposed by Miles and Snow ( 1978 ) . 1.6.7. Firm size Harmonizing to Krumwiede ( 1998b ) the house size defined and see as a independent variable. She defined size of company based on one-year sum of sale gross. 1.6.8. Top direction support Top direction support is defined harmonizing to Maelah and Nasir Ibrahim ( 2007 ) . They defined top direction support as a degree of top direction support for following and implementing ABC system. In current survey, top of direction support was related merely to ABC adoptive parents, and this variable was considered in ABC extract analysis. Top direction support measured based on the grade of understanding about six statements sing top of direction support in the company. 1.6.9. Training Training is defined as a degree of ABC preparation provided in the phases of ABC execution ( Krumwiede, 1998b ) . Training reflects the degree of developing involved in the design, implement, and usage of ABC. The definition sing degree of preparation is adopted from Krumwiede ( 1998b ) . Degree of preparation was related to ABC adoptive parents houses merely, and this variable was considered in Infusion analysis. The measuring included three stages and these three preparation stages are sing degree of preparation provided in the company in the design, implement, and usage of ABC. 1.6.10 Activity-based costing ( ABC ) acceptance Bjornenak ( 1997 ) asserted definition of acceptance is really of import and different definitions determined the different figure of adoptive parents in a survey. This survey defines the acceptance of ABC harmonizing to Krumwiede A ; Suessmair ( 2005 ) . They defined adopter houses as houses that have implemented ABC, are presently implementing it or program to make so. In the theoretical account presume complete implementing ABC is happened in seven phases. Hence, this survey the acceptance rate includes a figure of houses that meet last four phases. The acceptance variable is ZERO for houses in phases 1 through 3 and ONE for houses in phases 4 through 7. 1.7.11 Activity-based costing ( ABC ) extract Based on Krumwiede A ; Suessmair ( 2005 ) the extract of ABC defined as the phase when ABC information is used outside the accounting section for determination devising. For mensurating extract of ABC merely ABC adoptive parents houses are included in the sample ( houses at phase 4 or supra ) . From four acceptance phases, houses were labeled as the infusers if fitting phase seven. The Infusion variable is ZERO for houses in phases 4 through 6 and ONE for houses in phases 7. 1.6.12 Activity-based costing ( ABC ) execution phases This survey defines the execution phases of ABC harmonizing to Krumwiede A ; Suessmair ( 2005 ) theoretical account. Based on this theoretical account, execution of ABC is completed in seven phases. Krumwiede A ; Suessmair ( 2005 ) believed that the phase differentiations are non every bit clear-cut as suggested by any other execution theoretical account. 1.6.13. Fiscal public presentation Moll ( 2005 ) defined fiscal public presentation as the value of a house s public presentation in fiscal facet. This survey applies multidimensional public presentation steps for mensurating it. Fiscal public presentation defines as a grade of six index including: return on investing ( ROI ) , gross revenues volume, hard currency flow, market portion, cost and cost reduction. 1.6.14. Non fiscal public presentation This survey defined non fiscal public presentation as the value of a house s public presentation in non fiscal facet. This survey applies multidimensional public presentation steps for mensurating it. Non fiscal public presentation defines as a grade of 10 index including: on clip bringing, client and rival monitoring, new product/service debut, clip to treat activities, client and employee satisfaction, productiveness of labor, profile with the community, and quality of merchandises. Sing the measuring of both flat fiscal and non fiscal public presentation, the value for the public presentation importance and the value for the public presentation accomplishment are measured. Then a leaden mean fiscal and non fiscal public presentation index was obtained for each house. This allows for the creative activity of a public presentation index that may acknowledge the differing organisational public presentation of companies. 1.7 Overview of the thesis The undermentioned thesis is structured in to six chapters as follows: Chapter one: Introduction Chapter one presents an overview of the research. In this chapter the background of the survey is described and item of research job, nonsubjective and research inquiries are presented. It besides describes range of survey and expected parts. Furthermore definitions of research variables for this survey are presented. Chapter two: Literature reappraisal Chapter two is started with a brief description of bing literature associating to ABC and other cost accounting invention systems. In this chapter, research on ABC categorize into three chief classs including: theoretical surveies, instance surveies, statistical surveies and relevant literature nowadays in this three classs. Cost accounting system literature is presented and links between ABC as an invention system and activity-based direction ( ABM ) , activity-based budgeting ( ABB ) are reviewed. Furthermore the ABC research on contextual factors that expected relevant to execution of ABC ( research variables for this survey ) is presented. Chapter three: Theoretical model and hypotheses development Chapter three begins with a brief description of organisational acceptance of invention or invention diffusion theory which is followed by this survey. This chapter besides provides the theoretical model of the survey, which is on the consequence of certain contextual factors on ABC acceptance, extract, and execution phases. Furthermore, hypotheses development and a reappraisal of literature supports and justifications for each hypothesis are presented. Chapter four: Methodology Chapter four inside informations the research design, including the Per-test questionnaire, procedure of trying choice and study building. This chapter besides explores the questionnaire design including maximise the study response rates methods and interlingual rendition of the questionnaire. Furthermore, variable measuring, informations analysis techniques of this survey and the theoretical accounts for proving hypothesis are outlined. Chapter Five: Consequence Chapter five explores the consequences of the research undertaken. In this chapter, consequences from the information analyses are presented and hypotheses were tested utilizing logit trial, independent sample t-test and ANOVA. This chapter describes the response rate, non-response prejudice, cogency, dependability, and descriptive analysis. This chapter besides provides the study consequences of proving the relationships between contextual variables and execution phases, acceptance, and extract ABC, every bit good as the relationship between the latter with organisational public presentation. In add-on, in the last portion hypotheses are tested in the theoretical accounts. Chapter six: Discussion and decision A treatment of the consequences is provided in chapter six, every bit good as a treatment to which happening reported in the chapter five are able to supply replies to the research inquiries and success the research objectives set out at the beginning of the research. The determination of this survey discuss in three major contextual facAÂ tors: environmental factors, technological factors, and organisational factors that related to three distinguishable positions: execution phases, acceptance, and extract of ABC. This chapter besides provides a treatment on relationship between execution phases, acceptance, extract of ABC and organisational public presentation. Furthermore, the both theoretical and practical deductions and the survey s possible restriction are presented. For get the better ofing such restrictions, several suggestions for future research are presented and eventually the overall determination of this survey is highlighted.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Reference When you sit down to write an academic paper or business report, how often do you feel totally confident at the outset? Do you pass your paper to friends over and over again, hoping that their edits will catch all of your stylistic mistakes? How often do these methods prove foolproof? Learning to Write Every good writer learns the elements of style. There are so many fine points of grammar and usage that no single writer can know each one, all the time. In fact, the English language is continually evolving, creating the need for further and revised guidelines. The Need for Reference Thats why most writers have a reference book, that they can use whenever they need guidance. From the basic formats for different publications to the specifics of citations, writing reference guides have helped writers hone their craft for years. With modern guides taking technology and a changing world into account, you can be sure to have the most correct format for the present time. Some of the most popular reference guides include the APA Style Guide and the Chicago Manual of Style. These are tried and true resources for the modern writer, and have been relied upon countless times. Once you begin to discover all of the instruction available to you in these guides, you will want to keep them nearby as you write, for ultimate reference.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Nurses Knowledge and Competency Research Proposal
Nurses Knowledge and Competency - Research Proposal Example surgical practice because any breach in the surface lining of the body, be it skin or mucous membrane exposes the underlying tissues to the danger of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to assist the inherent healing process of the human body to restore an intact surface as soon as possible. Many other factors may affect this process of normal healing, and two factors prominent among them are infection and infection-assiciated inflammation that may hinder the normal healing process, thereby causing further complications in the process of healing. Therefore, prompt and accurate recognition of these factors are important for ensuring a recovery from the injury. This calls for an assessment of the wound at the time of clinical presentation (Clark, R.A.F., 1996). Such patients are pretty commonly encountered in acute hospital setting, specially in a rural area hospital where resources may be limited. This, in turn, calls for knowledge of the practicing nurse about wound assessment. At least, the nurse in charge needs to be adequately knowledgable to decide which wound could be managed in the rural acute care and which needs referral to generate a satisfactory outcome for the patient. While attending such patients, the knowledge of the nurse regarding various wounds becomes a critical denominator in the outcome of care. There have been many studies and researches on this area, and consequently, there have been volumes of literature on this topic, but unfortunately, there is paucity of quantitative studies or researches on the nurses' knowledge of wound assessment. This researcher proposes a quantitaive study of the nurses' knowledge about wound assessment in a rural acute care hospital setting (Leaper, D.J. and Harding, K.G. 1998). The managements of acute and chronic...Therefore, prompt and accurate recognition of these factors are important for ensuring a recovery from the injury. This calls for an assessment of the wound at the time of clinical presentation (Clark, R.A.F., 1996). Such patients are pretty commonly encountered in acute hospital setting, specially in a rural area hospital where resources may be limited. This, in turn, calls for knowledge of the practicing nurse about wound assessment. At least, the nurse in charge needs to be adequately knowledgable to decide which wound could be managed in the rural acute care and which needs referral to generate a satisfactory outcome for the patient. While attending such patients, the knowledge of the nurse regarding various wounds becomes a critical denominator in the outcome of care. There have been many studies and researches on this area, and consequently, there have been volumes of literature on this topic, but unfortunately, there is paucity of quantit ative studies or researches on the nurses' knowledge of wound assessment. This researcher proposes a quantitaive study of the nurses' knowledge about wound assessment in a rural acute care hospital setting (Leaper, D.J. and Harding, K.G. 1998). The managements of acute and chronic wounds have undergone a sea change in the last two decades for an improved
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Occupy Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Occupy Movement - Essay Example This shift, according to the report, amounts to the movement waging a war against consumers, and therefore against the American masses (Lerman and Kachersky). In London, meanwhile, the movement is being portrayed as one that disrupts preparations for the Olympics by an online media outfit catering to London residents. On balance this coverage likewise portrays the movement as carrying the message of negative disruption of something that is good, namely, the Olympics. Moreover, the title of the news article clearly labels the movement as being â€Å"anticapitalist†(sic) (Bartholomew). Elsewhere, the influential The Washington Post portrays the movement in somewhat more positive terms. Going against popular media portraying the movement as without purpose, the article notes that in fact the movement has purpose, even if it is not well-articulated. Moreover, the movement has grassroots support from many sectors in society (Glantz). Moving over to TV coverage, as exemplified by CNN coverage of the movement, the overall impression one gets is that of a group that is militant and aggressive in going against established authority. Recent CNN coverage is about the movement and the police in violent confrontations (Kastenbaum; Verello). For the average citizen, of course media is a primary source of inputs on the movement, and of course as such the current media coverage shapes the message of the movement. As can be gleaned from the coverage examples above, the message seems to be lost in the more prominent portrayal of the movement as being violent, unruly, against ordinary consumers, and against such good things as the Olympics. Seemingly more intelligent coverage and opinion, meanwhile, is not as prominent, and reaches only an intelligent few. The overall impact of the media coverage seems to be a blurring of the movements real
Monday, November 18, 2019
Correlations In research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Correlations In research - Essay Example Depending on the type of the research, the data are later analyzed to draw out provable conclusions. For instance, a research can focus on climate and its effect on agriculture. From the relationship between agricultural productivity and climate, variables can be identified to aid in the process of information collection. In the long run, a relevant hypothesis is then formulated which will be rejected or accepted depending on the outcome of the research. The favorability of climate is inversely proportional to the quality of agricultural productivity in an area. In proving such a hypothesis, some of the most common working definitions are thus listed herein. I. Good climate - a good climate is one which fosters the production of agricultural products. Farming heavily relies on the pattern of rainfall. However, excessive rainfall destroys the crops in the field. The most conducive rainfall pattern, therefore, is one in which it rains moderately. A moderate rainfall is between twenty to sixty millimeters per day. According to this research, a good climate is therefore measured in terms of the volume of rainfall an area receives in a week. An unfavorable climate is characterized by below ten millimeters of rainfall a day. II. Research productivity-The number of researches carried out in an area defines its productivity in terms of contributing to human development. In this context, the productivity is compared on the number of researches that are produced in the region within a period of one year. A bad productivity infers zero to twenty cases within a year. On the other hand, good productivity refers to the production of fifty to one hundred researches per year (Sharon and Anthony 66). Operational definitions make it possible for computation of research variables. Furthermore, the definitions of the conflicting factors make it easier for one to carry an effective research on the issues. The goodness of climate is defined in a manner that enables
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Incident Of Blood Transfusion Health And Social Care Essay
The Incident Of Blood Transfusion Health And Social Care Essay Introduction: Saving lives by means of safety precautions is emphasized by the health institutions. Particularly in clinical care a minute error can jeopardize lives of human beings. Though NHS has promised to serve the best interests of people, lapses in the patient safety seems evident. As a result, NPSA proposed seven steps to safe guard precious life. Over all the literature discusses the patient safety measures, human and system factors contributing to minimize the performance and precision of care administered. During 20th century sudden rise in blood transfusions are evident. Blood is regarded as an important organ. Transfusion is a multi-step process where risk or complications are common. It discusses all the important steps in assessing the human and system errors. Systematic review is done by estimating the risks and proposes a solution of bloodless surgery which is last option to escape from worries of transfusion. The key terms used for search are patient safety, safety culture, blood transfusions, ergonomics, bloodless surgeries, organizational factors and human incidents. Patient Safety: The health sector is a highly pressurized, complex system where in which the potential for error and accidents is ever present. Statistics on International Research suggests that ensuing patient safety is one of the most important challenges faced by the healthcare today, not only in the United Kingdom but also worldwide. It was observed that the root cause of various events and accidents together with a majority of mistakes taking place in medical environment is the system itself-a system whose flaws eventually lead to a human error. The Patient Safety initiative is an innovative, proactive approach that provides basis for eliminating the flaws from the system before they result in to needless tragedies. According to World Health Organization (2011), Patient safety can be defined as a fundamental principle of health care (WHO, 2011). Precisely, the improvements concerning to patient safety demand a complex-system of wide effort, environmental and safety risk management, including in fection control, safe and effective use of medicines, clinical practices and care. Nevertheless, this new patient safety perspective was been developed in United Kingdom through an initial study, commissioned by the Department of Health and Design Council, to deliver ideologies and recommendations for a design approach to minimize the risk of medical error and to promote patient safety across the National Health Service (Department of Health, 2006). On the other hand, Risk an inherent part of health care may lead to severe complications while delaying them might be even more dangerous. At moment, in NHS controlling safety and estimating the risk has become internal process of supporting patients in hospital settings. To improve standards in patient care and for reviewing, documentation of risk form the basis for future investigations. Risk assessments carefully examine the systems to identify the factors that could potentially cause or contribute to patient harm (Department of Health, 2004). These assessments highlight whether adequate precautions are being taken to ensure timely and safer provision of care. Additionally, it indicates further measures needed in future to prevent harm and risk to the patients (Department of Health, 2006). Seven steps by the National Patient Safety Agency were published in 2004. Gives evidence of the risk involved and steps to prevent potential harm by integrating the management of risk, patients involved and the solutions proposed for incidents (National Patient Safety Agency, 2004). Within NHS, Risk Assessment is highly essential as it facilitates the practitioner to minimize both consequences of an adverse effect and risk itself. Risk Assessment provides an earl y warning system and thus maximizes the probability of positive outcomes. Thus, Risk Assessment tool can be used effectively with sound clinical judgment connected with experience of assessing risks. In essence, managing risks of ward-base and evaluation of patients is vital aspect of the tool (Royal College of Nursing, 2004). The Scenario Major concern is that blood is contaminated with infectious diseases like AIDS, hepatitis etc. Though screening being implemented, there is a risk involved while donating blood. Dr Gordec identified patients willing to donate blood being infected and not yet developed antibodies could be detected through screening Blood Borne Disease: A great stride in medicine field has invented new surgical methods and procedures for transfusions. It became a multibillion-dollar industry. Soon, transfusion-related diseases came to the fore. During the Korean War, nearly 22 percent who received plasma transfusions developed hepatitis. By1970s, the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control estimated death due to the hepatitis infected blood, 3500 a year (Awake 2002: Published by Jehovahs witnesses). Case study of heart surgery related patient The rate of mortality is high in patients undergoing heart surgery and kidney transplantation. The incident is treated as adverse event which is not happened at the beginning levels of transfusion. Although the preliminary checking is done, the rate of mortality is high. Patients diagnosed with coronary syndrome were routinely given blood transfusions. Studies published by JAMA admits that folks often choose transfusions are at higher risk of dying when compared with those who refuse. Doctors participated in the study published findings saying: We caution against the routine use of blood transfusion to maintain arbitrary hematocrit levels in stable patients with ischemic heart disease. Nigerian case study: Case of a baby girl infected with HIV positive in Nigeria was reported in the Awake 2008 article titled:HIV- Screened Blood Safe. Soon after the birth, the baby found to be jaundiced. The doctors prescribed transfusion. As fathers blood is incompatible, hospital authorities ordered blood from blood bank. Post transfusion, the baby detected HIV positive, though parents were HIV negative. Investigation is done and the Nigerian Tribune reported a virologist saying: At the time of donating, the donor was at the window period of HIV infection. The window period for HIV infection, is time period taken by the immune system to recover the antibodies for antibody test. It may take 2 to 8 weeks and it varies from person to person. So the screened blood is no safe and carries risk. The San Francisco AIDS Foundation warns: During the test, HIV infected person cannot be detected during that time. In fact, often people are infected at this period of time. The pre-check for immune factors is small mistake but the implication of transfusing the blood has resulted in adverse result which may result in death. Case study of Transfusion-related lung injury (TRALI) Case study of patients administered in hospital for receiving blood products, particularly plasma-containing products for hemolytic reasons. This is quite interesting case, after transfusing blood, the patient contracted transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI). When careful investigation is done, though careful administration of right blood and patient identification is carried, the blood cells from the donor reacted with recipients white blood cells was evident. This resulted in the size of the lungs which allow the fluids to enter and may lead to death if not treated correctly. This incident is classified as adverse event, where careful observation is vital in delivering services. The nurse should take a note of reactions and report to higher staff and doctors. Based on the reaction of patients, the nurse should stop transfusing the blood as a precaution measure Human Factors: According to the Health and Safety Executive (1999, p. 2), Human factors influences the behavior of individuals or an organization based on factors like organizational, environmental and job which affects the health and safety of employees and employers. A simple way to view human factors is look into three aspects: the job, the individual and the behavior (Health and Safety Executive, 1999). Categorizing Human Failure It is very important to understand that human failures in relation to transfusion process are not random and there occur specific patterns for their implementation (Manser, 2009). Different types of failures that lead to major accidents in Healthcare sector are worth knowing: Unintentional Errors like slips/lapses, mistakes are basically unplanned actions and these must be eliminated during the training process of human factors. Errors usually occur during the accomplishment of a familiar task such as forgetting something or omissions, maintenance, calibration and testing errors. Mistakes, on the other hand are the errors of judgment and decision making and they appear in situations where nurse behavior is based on familiar procedures or unfamiliar situations where in which decisions are formed form the first principles and lead to miscalculations. By training the nursing staff and other health professionals in Transfusion department, these types of errors can be avoided (Mc Cormick, Wardrope 2003). International Errors involve violations and these differ from the above type of errors as these are well-meaning failure such as non-compliance of procedures or taking a short cut of Transfusion process. These are rarely willful (like sabotage) and usually occur from an intention of getting the job done quickly despite of consequences. These Violations cane be Routine (behavior in opposing to a rule and procedure), Exceptional (that prevail unusual and unpredicted circumstances), Situational (occur as a consequence of factors dictated by workers) and Acts of Sabotage (self explanatory and complex) (Manser 2009). Clinical blood transfusion contains multiple steps and is prone to error. Various studies showed most errors occur outside the clinical laboratory. Errors are likely to happen while collecting the blood components from storage facilities, performing transfusions and while monitoring patients before and after transfusion. The common fear is that patients get infected while receiving the blood components. It occurs very rare. SHOT acknowledges that only 1.4 % infected out of 4,334 adverse events between 1996 and 2007. The greatest risk lies in human error, administering blood to wrong patients or not intended to someone else, accounts to 62.7% of reported cases (SHOT, 2008) Patient Identification: While ensuring blood is administered to the right patient, scrupulous enquiry into patient details is mandatory. Identifying patients is vital and must be confirmed when pre-transfusion is taken, collecting the specimen from storage areas and when blood is injected. Checking the blood bag: Bacteria infected transfusions are major cause of deaths. The staff should remain vigilant and check for the contaminated blood components of red cells and platelet units (SHOT 2008). Nurses should check the blood bag for any discoloration or clumping and also expiry date of the product. Safe Collection: The person/ relative who retrieve the blood from the bank must take a written evidence of patients identity. This must be check against the patients identification band exactly. Details of patients must include such as first name, surname, date of birth and unique identification number (BCSH 1999). It minimizes the risk of being wrong blood collected and giving it to the wrong patient. Pre-administration check: Pre-administration check is vital in ensuring safety measure while donating blood. It includes checking the patient information on the blood pack against the label of the recipient. The staff can enquire with the patients about their details and cross-check with the identification band. Due to ambiguity or unconscious state of recipient, identity can be verified with second staff member and via recognition band. Based on compatibility report or patients note must not be considered as final checking procedure (NPSA, 2006). Nurse should remember the main 2 points. No identification band no transfusion, and always confirm with identity band. The blood group and donation number on the compatibility tie-on tag should match the blood component. If discrepancies are found during the process, the nurse should stop immediately and contact the transfusion laboratory. For example: DOB not matching with identity band. Continuity without distraction is important in verifying the information. In critical conditions, interruption can be allowed. Sometimes it makes them distract to perform checking from beginning to end. Monitoring: Studies show there are differing opinions of observing the patents during transfusion. It is generally agreed observations are recorded before administering. Rowe and Doughty (2000) highlights rate of response to reactions caused by blood without proper monitoring techniques. To respond quickly by the staff constant observation is mandatory. Prior administration checking blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature is recommended (BCSH 1999). During the entire process for every 15 minutes the above recommendations are repeated. Making notes of vital signs for every 15 min is suggested during the first hour and every 30 min from second hour (Castledine 2006). War strategists say that humans are likely to sleep in early hours of morning (3.00 am to 5.00 am). The sleep factor makes the observation bit difficult at night times. During delayed transfusion reactions being vigilant is challenging. System factors: System is defined as interaction with the physical, social and organization environment in which individual operate. It deals with Information technology devices, protocols, legal procedures, working environment, education and training etc. Reducing the medical adverse drug events (ADE) at St. Josephs medical centre, Illinois has led to automation of process. The medication process is quite lengthy and incidents such as unavailable patient information, miscommunication of medication, labeling and storage are often repeated. Information technology cannot replace the humans in critical care, but can reduce the repetitive tasks such as entering the pre-requisite details, including checks for problems. Humans are better than computers while taking complex decisions (Bates 2000). Reliance on individual is emphasized rather than automated systems when explaining errors and accidents (Parker and Lawton 2006). CPOE (computerized physician order system) has made great impact in prevention of medication errors, while orders are written online. The information is structured, contains details about the drug, dosage and frequency. Finally each order is verified for allergies and quantity of dose for patients suffering with kidney and liver problems. The invention of CPOE has resulted in 55% reduction in medication errors (Bates 1998). Decision to transfuse: The decision not to transfuse must outweigh the risk of transfusion. Each blood samples should be given to patient after consideration and when there are no alternatives. Further guidelines and indications can be found at www.bcshguidelines and Consent: It is better to discuss the treatment option before a decision is reached for prescribing blood components in clinical practices (McClleland 2007). To gain consent for treatment, the patient (parents/guardian) should have access to information about the risks. The patient has the right to refuse the transfusion by assessing the risk factors and alternative techniques. Some may reject the based on religious grounds or because of risks. In cases like these, the nurse should refer to local hospital policy for advice (Grey et al 2007) Religious group Jehovahs Witness, because of their bible-based faith they keep abstaining from blood components. They have a durable power of autonomy (DPA) and the Advance Medical Directive/Release card as into a single legal document, which explains their stand and treatment options. Local hospital policies: Blood is given voluntarily in UK. The hospital authorities have to ensure the blood is used effectively and for the benefit of patients. The nurses should be aware with local hospital policies related to effective use of blood, storage and transportation. Each blood unit is precious; if unused it should be sent back to laboratory to maximize the use by other patients. Safety culture: There is often blame culture. When things go wrong, people may threaten them with disciplinary measures or termination from services. Such individuals should be held accountable, but it acts as deterrent in reporting the adverse event (Department of Health, 2007, p.77). The communication and mutual respect is important, to be an effective team player. Some junior doctors have not found good reasons to transfusion, and are in dilemma about the treatment. They have fear of challenging the treatment options and often budge. In situations like these open debate or discussion should be welcomed by the higher officials, which benefits the patients. There are cases, unnecessarily blood transfusion are opted repeatedly which risks the patient recovery. Recommendations: Alternative techniques: Human errors are inevitable though much care are precision are followed. Blood is an organ and complications are expected while transfusing. There has been a debate about whether blood transfusion is really necessary. Jehovahs witnesses are known world-wide for bloodless surgeries. They have various alternative techniques. In October 2006, Reforma reported more than 30 blood transfusion alternatives. They include cauterizing blood vessels, covering organs with special gauze that releases chemicals that inhibit bleeding, and using blood-volume expanders. Time magazine says the total operative cost for the blood transfusion, the bill comes between $1 billion and $2 billion annually. Sharon Vernon, director for bloodless medicine admits that people are becoming aware of the benefits of bloodless surgeries and its cost cutting environment. The recovery of people is commendable Education and Training: The nurses and midwives needs to be updated with skills and competencies to understand the peri-operative conditions of blood transfusions. To participate in clinical transfusion, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland in 2006 has initiated education initiative and equivalent roles which is a prerequisite for nurses. Role of patients: Ethics published by NMC are available in respecting the patient rights when opting treatment. The patient can play an active role in reducing the accidents by making scrupulous search into the options available, benefits and risks associated. For further information, leaflets are available at hospitals and web resources can be helpful. Conclusion: Patient safety is vital in providing good care. The NHS has worked with NPSA to implement the guidelines for preventing of errors or hazards. Though systems are designed to make error free, complete elimination of mistakes is not possible as we have tendency to err. The literature discusses the human and system factors of blood transfusion. Though pre-administration check, identification of blood bags are done properly, immune factors of the donor has to be tested. The whole process is riskier and involves cost which is burden. Despite safety precautions, it is best to go for blood less surgery which is infection-free; recovery from surgery is almost double and the total cost of surgery is affordable. Competency based training and education enables the nurses and staff to deal successfully with adverse reactions.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Saint Augustine Essay -- essays research papers
Saint Augustine was born on 354 CE in Tagaste, Africa. His given name was Aurelius Augustinus. His father was Patricius, a pagan who was baptized Christian before he died, and his mother was Monica, a baptized Christian with an influential role in the life of her son. Augustine is regarded as one of the most intelligent Christian theologians and bishops of all time. His works and actions have left a major imprint on the Church and its doctrine. As a boy, Augustine was not baptized and grew up in the Roman Empire. He studied under the local schoolmasters in Tagaste until he turned fifteen and moved to continue his studies in Madaurus. From Madaurus, he moved to Carthage for advanced studies in rhetoric and law. It was in Carthage that he took a concubine and later had a son named Adeodatus from her. It was in this period of his life that embraced Manichaeism, which is a belief that one god is responsible for all good and another responsible for all evil. Augustine’s belief in Manichaeism prompted Monica, his mother, not to allow his entrance into the family’s house. Even with her actions, she continued praying and hoping that Augustine would find the Lord. After he ended his studies in Carthage, he became a teacher and was constantly on the move throughout Northern Africa. Augustine stopped teaching and moved to Milan where he gained the position of Public Orator. In Milan, Augustine met Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan. Augustine grew to love Ambrose’s allegorical interpretations of the Bible and this led to his appreciation and new understanding of the Scripture. He also studied and learned to appreciate Plato’s works and started linking a lot of his works into the meaning and messages in the Bible. Augustine’s family, including his mother, joined him in Milan. Her constant prayers for his conversion to Christianity and the strict ethical demands of Ambrose made Augustine’s appreciation of Plato’s work grew deeper. It made him no choice, but to convert to Christianity. On Easter Sunday of 387 CE in Milan, Augustine along with his son and his friend, Alypius, were baptized by Ambrose. After Augustine’s mother passed away, he traveled throughout the Roman Empire. He wrote many of his books on theology along the way. He had no aspirations of priesthood, but through a mere chance visit at Hippo in Africa; the bisho... ...howed that the Church is the union of all people into Christ. He defined free will, Christian sacraments, and original sin. His argument with the Donatists clarified Christian doctrines for further generations to come. Pelagianism was the final controversy that Augustine handled. They believed that God’s grace is not needed for salvation, but only good works. Augustine fought this controversy by explaining that grace was necessary for salvation because without it, people would be even more sinful. The leader of Pelagianism, Pelagius, never met with Augustine, but as a result of this controversy, "God’s saving grace" was clearly understood through Augustine’s arguments. On August 28, 430 CE in Hippo, Augustine died. He is regarded as one of the greatest and intelligent saints of the Church. He clarified Church doctrines, established monasteries for new priests, educated many into the meaning of Christianity and made Christianity humanistic which is nurtured by God’s love and grace. Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967. Possidius. The Life of Saint Augustine. Villanova: Augustinian Press, 1988.
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