Monday, December 30, 2019
The Secret Of A Success - 992 Words
The Secret to a Success The Zappos organization, in my book, is considered scarce in the aspect of customer service. There are little to no company that can even compare to its outstanding and distinguish customer service that they provide. I will be discussing several aspects of the Zappos organization in this paper. Initially, I have dealt with numerous online organizations including small and well established ones, but their customer service paled in comparison to Zappos. For instance, the way the organizations efficiently handle their refunds. Recently, I ordered some shoes on I selected my item and checked out, the process went swimmingly; two days later, I received an email saying that my shoes are now out of stock, please select an alternative. I kindly replied saying I would prefer a refund to my original form of payment. Three days have come pass, and I still have not received a reply from the organization. I am currently dealing with less than acceptable customer service; is currently withholding my funds, money that can be utilized somewhere else. If I had known about the Zippos organization and its phenomenal service I would not be in this predicament. According to, â€Å"refund will be processed and automatically applied to your credit card or o riginal method of payment within 2 days.†It is almost four days, and failed to even respond to my refund request. Next, what are the strengths and weaknesses of the ZapposShow MoreRelatedThe Secret of Success1246 Words  | 5 PagesTHE SECRET OF SUCCESS -Khupkhogin Khongsai INTRODUCTION Everyone wants to learn the secrets of being successful in life. There are many people who have achieved success in this world. Success doesn’t come to those who wait†¦.. And it doesn’t wait for anyone to come to it. Most successful men have not achieved their destination by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Comparing Dignity in A Lesson Before Dying, Jane Pittman,...
Dignity in Southern Society in A Lesson Before Dying, Autobiography of Jane Pittman, and Of Love and Dust The ante-bellum Southern social system put blacks in a low economic and social class and limited their pursuit of happiness. The aristocracy firmly held blacks in emotional and spiritual slavery. Cajuns, Creoles and poor whites maintained a low status in society, which frustrated them because they felt they should be superior to blacks and equal to whites. Racism was a base of southern society and a hope to improve life and gain respect. Ernest J. Gaines grew up in Southern Louisiana and his aunt Augusteen Jefferson taught him the art of living with dignity (Current 201). In The Autobiography of Miss†¦show more content†¦At the end of the Civil War, Ticey (Jane), an eleven year-old slave, is introduced to personal identity by Corporal Brown, a Yankee soldier who passes through her plantation: Ticey is a slave name... he says to her and temporarily renames her Miss Jane Brown (Pittman 8). Critic Valerie Babb concludes that the soldiers altering a label of slavery reveals a new world of control to her...for the first time in her life Jane has the option of deciding whether or not she will retain it (82). Jane quickly learns that her newly found identity threatens the master and mistress, and she is beaten for demanding to be called Miss, a title of respect. She shows them she is an individual with dignity, rather than an inferior being and takes the control that they assumed over her. The soldier direct s Janes strong character and convictions which results in her insubordination toward white authority. She continues through her life looking for the One, a black leader to free her people from the bondage to whites. Where Jane decides to live in rebellion, her husband Joe chooses a different method to escape bondage. After the slaves were emancipated, many plantation owners took advantage of the naive freedmen by contracting them as underpaid field laborers. Joe Pittman desperately tries to avoid the economic entrapment of field labor that isShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesodd to call something piece of advice eleven or thing to do seven. Advice for Logical Reasoners All of us use these principles every day, so this discussion is just a reminder of what you already know. One principle is to ask for reasons before accepting a conclusion, unless you already have good enough reasons. You applied this principle when you asked Juanita why she thought it best to leave. Similarly, if you expect people to accept your own conclusion, then its your responsibility
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Principle Agent Moral Hazard Free Essays
The major issue was that the commercial banks overstressed in such mortgage backed securities. Another part of the story Is that Basel I accords are credited with giving seeds to the idea of all things that could lead to recession and Basel II Is credited with magnifying Its Impact. Formed In 1988 and adopted by 1992, Basel I accords were a set of rules and regulations, to be adopted by GIG countries, that allotted different risk ratings to various types of assets held by banks. We will write a custom essay sample on Principle Agent Moral Hazard or any similar topic only for you Order Now Assets, here, referred to bonds, mortgages undo etc. It took a long time for the economies to realist the problems associated with such types of system. For example, in such a framework a commercial bank was permitted to keep aside no liquid capital if it had all government bonds or gold as assets. This was so because such assets were considered safe. Further, it was required of them to keep aside small percentages of capital for every mortgage, commercial loan or bonds they Issued. With the introduction of Basel 2, the list was expanded to bonds backed by debts like ar or property loans and yet had to keep only a 2 percent of spare capital. Flip side to this was that the bonds ought to have AAA or AAA credit ratings from the government. Statistics tell that Just prior to the recession, 81 percent of all Mortgage backed securities held by the commercial banks had AAA credit rating. Further, 93 percent of all mortgage-backed securities held by these banks had AAA credit rating or held bonds Issued by a government-sponsored enterprise. Now this Is where the role of moral hazard comes Into play. When Basel I and abstinently Basel II accords were Introduced, the primary aim of the developed economies was to encourage consumer spending and Investments by the banks. It was not completely unforeseeable for everyone to realize that backing debt or junk manipulating credit ratings, economies tried to create a self-fulfilling system that provided for feed as well as fed upon its own. The bankers were in turn incentives to take risks of high magnitude, with all the depositors’ money in hand, believing that there is a government always backing them. Soon the entire system gave away. This created a bigger moral hazard. How to minimize such problems? TO reduce such a problem of Principal Agent problem leading to recession, it is imperative that the regulators are on their toes. In USA, SEC did not take proper steps to ensure that the Rating agencies don’t rate securities high without any strong backing to do so. Also the FIDE, the Fed, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office of Thrift Supervision relied blindly on the ratings given by the Credit rating agencies. Therefore, all rules and regulations given under law should be implemented properly and Justly by the regulators. The government should also ensure the timely passage of relevant legal provision and bills. Also, although Basel Ill accords have been adopted and implemented by most of the countries and the deadline is 2019 for it, the present market conditions show that the Minimum Capital requirements need an overhaul as well. Hence, Basel 4 could be started to be worked upon with refined changes and the governments should follow the rules under such requirements. How to cite Principle Agent Moral Hazard, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Enzyme Activity Essay Sample free essay sample
We performed these experiments to detect the effects of enzymes on the rate of reactions. We tested and compared the activity of the enzyme catalase on the substrate H2O2 in assorted provinces and per centums. and observed the soaking up values of the enzyme-substrate relationship at different concentrations. Our consequences show that the more substrate available. the quicker the reaction will go on except in one trial. which might intend that a balanced concentration of the two is most good. Introduction The aims of these experiments were to detect the effects of the enzyme-substrate relationships and to enter our findings. Enzymes increase the rate of reactions by take downing the energy needed to trip the reaction ( McNeil et al. 2013 ) . Enzymes will work with substrates to bring forth reactions and merchandises and they will adhere together at an active site. They will merely bond to with peculiar molecules and environmental factors can besides impact their productiveness. We will write a custom essay sample on Enzyme Activity Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They are proteins. and proteins are made up of many aminic acids ( Brian et al. 2013 ) . We used the enzyme catalase that occurs of course in many beings to analyze the qualitative and quantitative consequences of enzymatic activity. My hypothesis is that the findings in these experiments will demo that the enzyme catalase will increase the rate of reaction with the substrate. Methods In Activity 1 Procedure A. we had four trial tubings filled with different constituents. The tabular array below shows each tube’s constituents. In each trial tubing. we added 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2. We recorded initial observations and checked often for alterations. Table 1.Tube # | Contents|1| 1 milliliter H2O|2| ? ? ?†murphy regular hexahedron |3| 1 milliliter Enz. |4| 1 milliliter Enz boiled for 5 proceedingss. so cooled| In Activity 1 Procedure B. we prepared two more trial tubing with different substrates. In each empty tubing we put 1 milliliter of enzyme. To that. we added the same substrate with different per centum degrees. What we added to the trial tubing is depicted in the chart below. We recorded our observations of these tubings and compared observations ab initio with those of proceedingss 4-5. Table 2.Tube # | Contentss |A| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL1. 5 % H2O2|B| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 milliliter. 75 % H2O2| In Activity 2 Procedure C. we filtered the catalase used in Procedures A and B with # 4 filter paper. We made a black solution without the catalase and another with it to be compared in the spectrophotometer. The contents of the space and cuvette # 1 are shown below. We observed optical density degrees at 470 nanometers and measured the space to deduct its values from those of cuvette # 1. We measured the optical density every minute for 5 proceedingss and recorded our observations. After the 5 proceedingss we removed them and observed differences. Table 3.Cuvette # | Contentss |Blank | 6. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2|1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 5. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| In Activity 2 Procedure D. we followed the same processs as we did in Procedure C ; nevertheless. the contents of the space and cuvette were changed. The alterations are shown in the tabular array below. Table 4.Cuvette # | Contentss |Blank | 5 milliliter dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2|1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 4. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| These methods came from the Biology 183 Introductory II Lab Manual. ConsequencesThe presence of an enzyme speeds up chemical reactions and is affected by the concentration of the substrate. We found that the consequences of reaction were much greater and happened faster with the presence of a greater sum of substrate and enzyme until there was excessively much substrate in relation to enzyme. In Activity 1 Procedure A. we found that the more available substrate nowadays. the faster the reaction would go on. More merchandise was observed when there was increased substrate surface country. The tabular array of consequences is depicted below. Table 5.Tube # | Contents| What Happened? |1| 1 milliliter H2O + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| No reaction |2| ? ? ?†murphy regular hexahedron + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| Bubbling and foaming occurred but non much| 3| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| More froth and bubbles than in previous| 4| 1 milliliter Enz boiled for 5 proceedingss. so cooled + 5. 0 mL 3 % H2O2| Barely any mark of reaction| In Activity 1 Procedure B. we found that the concentration of substrate affects the activity of the enzyme. The solution with a higher concentration of substrate produced greater consequences. Table 6.Tube # | Contentss | What Happened? |A| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 mL1. 5 % H2O2| Foamed and bubbled rapidly ; much more than B| B| 1 milliliter Enz. + 5. 0 milliliter. 75 % H2O2| Foamed and bubbled less and at a slower rate. | In Activity 2 Procedure C. we discovered that our solution with catalase formed merchandises and the solution without did non. The spectrophotometer collected informations for us to demo this. Table 7.Cuvette # | Contentss | What Happened? |Blank | 6. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| No change| 1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 5. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 150 uL H2O2| The colour of the solution changed. It got darker. | Table 8.Absorbance Data Collection of Cuvette Containing Catalase| Time ( min ) | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|Optical density at 470 nm| 1. 200 A| 1. 449 A| 1. 673 A| 1. 872 A| 2. 056 A| 2. 223 A| In Activity 2 Procedure D. our consequences showed us that the concentration of substrate can be excessively high for a same merchandise in enzyme activity when compared with the tabular array in Procedure C. A tabular array of the consequences of Procedure D and a graph comparison Procedures C and D are depicted below. Table 9.Cuvette # | Contents| What Happened? |Blank | 5 milliliter dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| No Change| 1| 1. 0 mL catalase + 4. 0 mL dH2O + . 100 uL guaiacol + . 300 uL H2O2| The colour of the solution changed. Got darker but non every bit dark as Cuvette 1 in Procedure C. | Table 10.Absorbance Data Collection of Cuvette Containing Catalase| Time ( min ) | 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5|Optical density at 470 nm| . 428 A| . 673 A| . 876 A| 1. 063 A| 1. 228 A| 1. 377 A| Figure 1. Figure 1. DiscussionThe consequences found in our experiments supported the hypothesis that enzymes would increase the rate of reaction. In one instance. nevertheless. it was found that if the concentration of substrate is excessively high. the enzymatic relationship will be thrown away. We observed noticeable merchandises more rapidly with the enzyme nowadays in both experiments in Activity 1. Our experiment in Activity 2 Procedure D shows that with a higher per centum of substrate. less visible radiation was absorbed. This was unexpected because we thought that with more substrate. the reaction would take topographic point more rapidly. Our findings supported that enzymes increase the rate at which reactions occur. If this experiment was repeated. we might acquire a few fluctuations in consequences. The measurings of some substances might hold been a small off and the clip that we took to set some of the cuvettes might hold been excessively long and affected the consequences.
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